Maritza Paredes is a Sociologist with a PhD in International Development from Oxford University. She is a professor and senior researcher at the Department of Social Sciences, Sociology Section of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
From a political sociology approach, she has studied environmental issues in particular mobilization and activism for environmental justice in a context of expanding extractive capitalism. More recently, he has also examined conflict and negotiation as a consequence of the local implementation of global climate change policies, in particular conservation in the Amazon forest and among indigenous peoples.
She has published extensively on these topics. His most recent publications are "The weak institutionalization of prior consultation in Peru: ambivalent cooperation between indigenous organizations and state activists". Third World Quarterly, 1-17, 2003; and with Anke Kaulard, "Forest as 'nature' or forest as territory? Knowledge, power and conservation of climate change in the Peruvian Amazon".