Por: Luciana Zunino

Indigenous Visions: Commitment to Climate Justice

The project "Indigenous Visions for Climate Justice" is committed to the fight against climate change, highlighting the complex systems of knowledge about territory and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples in Chile and Peru. 

Its primary objective is to incorporate these perspectives into the climate policies and actions of both countries.

By analyzing perspectives from Indigenous territories, the project seeks to emphasize that climate justice addresses not only the distributive impact of the biophysical effects of climate change but also aims to understand the redistributive impacts generated by climate action itself. These impacts are primarily political and involve analyzing climate justice in the interaction between the historical-territorial processes of these communities and state and global climate policies. 

With a carefully designed methodology that includes documentary analysis, semi-structured and ethnographic interviews, collective workshops, and artistic methods, the project aims to build knowledge that fosters inclusive and respectful dialogue between Indigenous Peoples and authorities at all levels. This approach not only seeks to inform but also to promote dialogue and generate tangible actions that promote the various dimensions of climate justice.

The expected results also aim for understanding and influence in decision-making, in the creation of specific policies and strategies that reflect the needs and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples regarding climate justice. It is through this genuine commitment and the creation of safe spaces that new opportunities are sought for all these communities to be protagonists of sustainable and equitable climate solutions.

En un mundo donde la urgencia climática demanda acciones inmediatas y efectivas, el proyecto “Visiones Indígenas para la Justicia Climática” destaca como un, compromiso y colaboración entre la academia y las organizaciones de pueblos indígenas, mostrando el camino hacia un futuro más justo y sostenible para todas y todos.